Quality Real Estate Appraisals. Excellent Service.

For years, mortgage lenders and consumers, as well as other real estate professionals, have depended on our expertise to provide high-quality value estimates on all sorts of homes in Grand Traverse, Benzie and Leelanau Counties.  By continuously keeping up with local real estate trends  and staying current on valuation techniques through accredited courses, we've been consistently able to generate reliable home valuations for people just like you.

Leading appraisal experts for:

  • Primary and Secondary Mortgages
  • Private Mortgage Insurance Removal
  • Estate Planning and Valuation
  • Divorce Settlement
  • Tax Assessment Disputes
  • Retrospective Valuations
  • Employee Relocation
  • REO Valuations

North Wing Appraisal


Technology plays a prominent part in how North Wing Appraisal does business. It helps keep costs down while maintaining superb quality and responsive service.   We also believe that regardless of the business, service is the top reason a client comes, goes, repeats or gives your number to others.  We keep this in mind whether you're talking to us on the phone, in e-mail or talking in person.   Our goal is simply an unsurpassed experience for our clients.   Call North Wing Appraisal today. We guarantee you'll see the difference, too.

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Mortgage News Daily:
Uneventful Day, But That"s a Victory These Days
10/15/2024 3:34 PM
Uneventful Day, But That"s a Victory These Days Last week"s bond market action offered some glimmers of hope that the most recent jobs report wouldn"t cause ongoing momentum toward higher rates, but yields nonetheless hit their highest levels on Thu/Fri.  Today is a victory in that context as bonds mov...Read More
Mortgage Rates Sideways to Slightly Lower
10/15/2024 3:03 PM
The average mortgage lender is quoting rates that are just a fraction of a hair lower today compared to last Friday.  Lenders were either closed or otherwise not able to update rates yesterday due to the Federal holiday.  Anything other than "higher" is a victory recently.  Rate jumped at the 2nd fastest pace of the year after the j...Read More
Broker, Correspondent, Insurance, Fee Collection Tools; Catastrophes and Disasters Hit Lenders and Servicers
10/15/2024 10:44 AM
Some things aren’t what they seem to be. What about places… what if you moved and your new home wasn’t how it originally seemed to be? There is a trend among today’s seniors, where retirees in Florida and other traditional retirement states, are pressing further north, relocating, or establishing a second home in the Southern states like Tennessee ...Read More
Stronger Start to Holiday-Shortened Week
10/15/2024 8:36 AM
Bonds moved into stronger territory over the 3 day weekend in a move largely attributed to de-escalation in the Middle East and the sharp drop in oil prices that followed. Oil and bonds are far from perfectly correlated, but big moves in the former often get at least some attention from the latter. Gains were modest by the start of trading today bu...Read More
Boring Week For Bonds and Next Week Isn"t Much More Promising
10/11/2024 2:58 PM
Boring Week and Next Week Isn"t Much More Promising It"s always a bit jarring to go from something like last Friday"s jobs report response to a subsequent week with very little movement, but in the grand scheme of things, it may as well have been a 9 day weekend.  Actually, make that a 10 day weekend w...Read More
Mortgage Rates Side-Step Into Holiday Weekend
10/11/2024 2:28 PM
While this week"s rates were substantially higher than most of last week"s, if we remove a few flashes of volatility,  the average lender stayed very close to Monday morning"s levels.  Wednesday afternoon and Thursday mid-day definitely saw multiple negative reprices, but in each case, the bond market recovered enough to limit the volatil...Read More
Loan Sale and Purchase Platform, HELOC, Automated Servicing Call Tools; November Events; Interview with Figure
10/11/2024 10:48 AM
Preparing for the next hurricane in Florida? Or Louisiana? Or Texas? Call this really smart or really humorous, it’s up to you. (And no, I don’t know how it fared.) We do, however, know how lenders and vendors are faring. Sure, headlines blared that rates were going down, but as we all know they went up after the Fed’s 50 basis point cut a few week...Read More
No Whammies in The Data
10/11/2024 10:14 AM
When it comes to economic data with any real significance, today only offered two reports: PPI and Consumer Sentiment.  Neither have an especially stunning pedigree of market movement capability although both have inspired a decent amount of volatility on many occasions.  Today is not one of those occasions.  Both have come and gone....Read More
Bonds Turn Green Despite Plenty of Volatility
10/10/2024 3:53 PM
Bonds Turn Green Despite Plenty of Volatility It was touch and go in the mid-day hours as early stability (modest gains, even) gave way to steady selling.  Headlines from Fed"s Bostic (he"s not sure they"ll need to cut again in Nov) caused yields to pop to the highs of the day just before the 30yr bond...Read More
Here"s What"s Really Going on With Mortgage Rates This Week
10/10/2024 2:59 PM
We can appreciate that the daunting task of determining what "the" actual mortgage rate may be at any given moment.  The word "the" is singled out in the previous sentence because there isn"t one, perfect, singular, "going rate" for a mortgage.  There"s a bell curve with most lenders near the center and a few outliers at the margins. ...Read More

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